
Independent Power solution-MWM TCG 2020 Gas Engine delivers Win-Win in CCHP at China Shanghai

时间:2021-04-09 00:41:10 作者:本站整理 来源:网络

MWM Gas Genset delivers Win-Win at CCHP in Shanghai, China

Nipro Shanghai, a producer of medical equipment,, is consuming heat and power from a Distributed Energy. Plant which is invested by an energy service provider with total investment of 8 milliom yuan.The new energy plant covers an area of 500 m2 and is located in the Jiading District, Shanghai, the Chinese business metropole. For installation, the project adopted a modular construction design: the equipment is integrated in containers, pipelines and other systems which are all factory processed and directly assembled on site. Thus, significantly reducing the whole construction period to only three months, which is way lower than the traditional construction of distributed energy power stations.

In the process of production, the customer needs to use a large amount of energy, namely electricity, steam and hot water. However, in the past the fired boiler, that had been used, was old and half damaged and thus the needs of thermal energy production were not satisfied. What is more, its emissions also exceeded the standard levels.After collecting and analyzing energy consumption data of the customer, Shanghai Aerospace Energy Co., Ltd. (SAE), one of the official MWM distributors for China, provided a suitable combined cooling, heat & power (CCHP) solution for the customer. It consists of a MWM TCG 2020 V16k natural gas generator set with an 1500kWel output, one flue gas waste heat boiler with a 1.3t/h (steam pressure of 0.8MPa) steam output and a water tank with a 84t water storage capacity.

The power plant provides part of the power, all the hot water and steam energy to the production plant, solving energy shortage, reducing customer energy cost and comprehensively solving customer’s energy demand to steam, electricity and hot water. The capacity of the distributed energy station can fully cover the energy demand of the customer, so that the distributed energy station can operate stable in a long-term. It not only solves the requirements of customer's energy cascade utilization, but also follows the energy conservation and emission reduction development purpose of the customer, so as to achieve the goal of win-win for the customer.

The MWM gas engines of the TCG 2020 series, produced in Mannheim/Germany, are perfectly geared to the challenges of a dynamic market environment. The models in the output range of 1,000 – 2,000 kWel meet the high requirements of a broad range of applications and guarantee efficiency, reliability, flexibility and environmental sustainability, together with low lifecycle costs and high profitability. TCG 2020K was especially adapted to non-ISO conditions such as high altitudes or high intake air temperatures in the field of natural gas. Meanwhile more than 2000 power generators with approximately 2,800,000 kWel have already been installed around the globe.

MWM is one of the world's leading brands in the market segment of highly efficient, eco-friendly cogeneration plants for decentralized energy generation with combined heat and power (CHP). Operating under the name Caterpillar Energy Solutions, the Mannheim/Germany-based company founded 1871 by Carl Benz looks back on its MWM brand with almost 150 years of experience in the development and optimization of gas engines and power generators for natural gas, biogas and other special gases. For more information visit www.mwm.net.



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